Buffalo is so delicious! I was surprised to see few recipes using it on this site. These burgers are great grilled. Remember, buffalo does not need to...
Here's and oldie but goodie I found in my recipe book. Don't know where I got it but I've made it several times and have enjoyed it. This was the way my...
An ex-hunter, I still enjoy wild game. While this recipe is for duck breasts, it will work equally well with thighs, or wild goose. Note that the "red...
A very good meatloaf, made with ground venison, lean ground beef, eggs, onion, green bell peppers, rolled oats, tomato juice, prepared horseradish, ketchup...
This is not just a meal, it's an evening event to be savored over several hours with family and friends. While stationed in Germany near the French border,...
We ate all sorts of wild game and critters when I was a kid living in rural Louisiana. My mom always said, just tell her it is chicken and she'll eat it....
Fabulous meatloaf with great flavour - I have been told it makes great sandwiches the next day but never have any left over to try it! Substitute ground...
Another favourite venison recipe. This recipe considers farm-raised deer which is readily available in better butcher shops, or some larger super markets....
I ate kangaroo tenderloin at a local restaurant. It is soooo tender and delicious, much like beef tenderloin, but w/ more flavor, IMO. Works for the broiler,...
What a terrific special occasion dinner! This recipe makes the Cornish hens tender. We liked the savory spices, but adjust the garlic and rosemary to your...
Here's an old recipe I found about 20 plus years ago and have made it several times when I was lucky enough to get a few ducks. The sauerkraut and lemon...
I created this recipe after buying a small amount of wild ground boar to try. I didn't find that the boar was gamey, but maybe just tasted more earthy...
My cousin and her husband grilled these one night for an appetizer and they were delicious. Whoever had cleaned these dove had just "popped out the breasts",...
I ran across this irresistable recipe on Allrecipes website. It was posted by Zlatko Muminovic. He states: "A rich creamy and lightly spicy pasta dish...
I finally wrote down the exact amounts I used to get some great tasting jerky! The cayenne pepper is optional as it does spice it up a bit. The kids love...
This is a great recipe for backstrap. I found it on another cooking site and decided that it needed to be shared with the Zaar. It takes about 5 hours...
Isn't it nice when you already have food available that doesn't have to be defrosted and cooked? You just open the jar, add the spices you want, and whala!...
This recipe is from "Alberta Bison" - we don't just have good beef here! If you haven't tried bison (buffalo), you really should. It has a wonderful taste...
I made this recipe when I was trying to think of what to do with the bony shoulder cut of the young wild boar we had. After some searching on the internet,...
I finally found it! A published, authentic recipe for cooking possum. My father and his 8 siblings ate possum growing up in the Great Depression. I also...
My daddy was a hunter and fisherman. I grew up eating wild game and fish, (although I am NOT fond of fish at all). This however, is my first time cooking...
I adore bison, it so low in fat and good for you and has a wonderful taste. This recipe has a wonderful tangy taste from the marinade mixed in with the...
Don't be put off by Kangaroo meat, this dish works perfectly well with beef fillet. Kangaroo however is very low in fat and cholesterol and has a flavour...
We have been canning deer meat for several years now. This is so good, you can eat it straight from the jar. No need to add any liquids, as it makes it's...
Buffalo tastes rich but is very lean - adding medium ground beef to it keeps these burgers juicy. We're fortunate to live near a buffalo ranch but if you...
Bison is a shockingly healthy and flavorful meat. I've actually grown to like it in burgers better than beef, if done the right way....too bad I like to...
UH...OK... Now this is old southern cooking. I typed this one exactly how it was written. HUM!! How many people Will a possum serve anyway? Poor Poor Possum,...
We used this marinade today on some antelope tenderloin and smoked it for 2 hours with charcoal - fabulous! It is so quick and easy to throw together....
A friend shared this batter recipe with me when we lived in Idaho. As a newly married cook, I wasn't quite sure what to do with goose and duck breasts....
Having a family full of hunters I am constantly trying to find ways to make venison without having it dry and tough. This is so good. The meat is moist,...